Have You Stopped Smoking?

Have You Stopped Smoking?

If so, now is the time to restore your mouth to good health.

If you have been a regular smoker, there is a good chance that it will have had an adverse impact on your mouth. We hope that you will have always maintained regular visits to your dentist so that any particularly serious problems would already have been detected.

Once you have taken the decision to stop smoking though, it is an excellent time to visit The Calverley Dental Practice, for a comprehensive check and to put a treatment plan in to place to restore your mouth to a healthy and attractive condition.

Health implications

Smoking can contribute quite significantly to a number of potentially serious oral health problems. The most serious of these is oral cancer, which is forecast to kill over 4,500 people per year in the UK by 2035. Whilst, at any stage, this is a serious condition, like all medical conditions, the earlier it is detected, the better the outcome is likely to be following treatment. As dentists, we are in an excellent position to detect any potential irregularities during your regular checks. We may refer you to your GP for further checks and whilst it is important that you do go, you should also remember that this is a precaution and not an actual cancer diagnosis.

Gum disease

Another common oral health problem in smokers is gum disease. Smoking irritates the gums and slows down healing, leading to an increased likelihood of infection. A dry mouth too is extremely common in smokers and this provides an ideal environment for gum harming bacteria to thrive. Whilst early stage gum disease can cause soreness and bleeding, latter stage gum disease, or periodontitis, can also damage the bone which holds the teeth in place, potentially leading to tooth loss. It is important to see the hygienist at our Tunbridge Wells dental practice both when you smoke and to continue when you have managed to stop.


Whilst the above two conditions are the most serious, smoking will almost certainly also have an effect on the appearance of your teeth. Many smokers have discoloured teeth, often quite yellow, or even brown, from years of tar building up on the surface. Whilst this does not necessarily cause any damage, it does lead to a not too pleasant smile! There are two procedures available from your Tunbridge Wells dentists which can help to restore your teeth to a nicer, whiter colour:

  • Teeth Whitening procedure – This is a non invasive treatment which involves the preparation of trays which are used at home for a week or two, with a whitening gel acting to break down the discolouration that is held within the enamel and inner parts of the tooth. This is a straightforward and effective method which is ideal for those with relatively minor discolouration.
  • Dental Veneers – Heavier smokers are likely to have much more badly stained teeth, and whilst a teeth whitening procedure may offer some improvement; to really restore your teeth to an attractive state, dental veneers can be used to completely replace the heavily stained surface enamel. This is a more invasive procedure and we will discuss both this and the teeth whitening procedure during your consultation.

If you have stopped smoking or perhaps plan to do so as a part of your New Year’s resolution, why not make an appointment at The Calverley Dental Practice to discuss your options going forward? We can complete a full mouth health check so that a treatment plan can be put into place to give you a healthy and attractive smile once more.

Please contact us today on 01892 543898.